The source of knowledge *

* perhaps **

** I don’t think so

General Informations

Battle of Decay is still in development. The exact release date is therefore not yet known. However, it may take up to four years until the final release.

There is currently no playable beta version of the game. As soon as we finish a “closed beta version”, any player who is old enough can apply for the beta. You have to go to the “Beta registration page”.

Yes. The game contains a certain amount of “Marketplace Assets”. As an indie developer, we have few financing options and therefore cannot afford professional 3D modellers. Good news are, that we found a 3D Modeller who modelling us objects, but he can’t create as a side job or hobby as many models we need. However, you shouldn’t decide whether the game is good or bad based on the assets. We try to improve Battle of Decay with the later income and also produce better / own 3D-models.

Of course you can upload and publish recordings of the final game (v1.0 – and Steam early access versions) on video platforms. However, you are not allowed to upload exclusively video sequences and / or soundtracks. The videos must include be a kind of entertainment in audio form (your voice) – in the sense of “Let’s Play”. You arent allowed to upload scenes from the “Closed”-Beta to websites, as it is a private test version. Please also note the conditions of participation and use. Even if we support Content Creator, you should request a written confirmation from us via e-mail. Safety first!

How many “Taler” you need and how you redeem them will be revealed only after “Battle of Decay” has been released for sale on a sales platform. Thank you for your understanding!

With the income from Battle of Decay we will improve the game. We plan to add new 3D models, expand the game and implement the suggestions of players. A smaller portion will be used to fund essentials.


There are even two single player modes in Battle of Decay. You can find a military and a civilian single player mode in the “Play” menu. However, both modes are expected to be released only at the end of the “Early Access”.

 The game focuses on the Open-World Online mode. However, there will probably be two more besides these.

There will be a currency in later versions. What exactly you can buy with it is not clear at the moment. However, it won’t be anything that can worsen the direct gaming experience for other players.

No. We’re not gonna build in pay-to-win capabilities. There will be no possibilities to retrofit “Skills” with money. You have to work on it yourself!

Battle of Decay is set on an island in a fictional German federal state. The player can even find out relatively exactly where it is located. On a big world you can find many typical German items and buildings. In addition there are a huge number of realistically placed street signs, where you can orientate yourself. Of course, you will also find miles of highways (Autobahnen), federal roads, railroads, and for games untypical buildings like “traffic control” buildings etc.


At the moment we are not able to define any system requirements. In general you should have 8GB RAM, a graphics card memory of +2GB and in the best case an i5 processor (or something comparable / higher). Have a look on our “About” Page.

As in the previous tab, we cannot yet make a clear statement here either. But it will be about 30 – 60 GB. The download size will be smaller.

Yes. To download the game and use the multiplayer mode, you will need an Internet connection. Single player mode does not require an active Internet connection.

Battle of Decay is powered by the “Unreal Engine” developed by Epic Games.

You can easily report bugs in our Discord Server or via e-mail.

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